Mutual fund

Asset Under Management

The concept of Asset Under Management (AUM full form) of Mutual Funds is similar to market capitalization while directly trading in the stock markets – both reflect the potential returns generated against the resources of the investors. What is Asset Under Management (AUM) Asset Under Management is the total cumulative investment sum of a particular […]

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Mutual fund

Expense Ratio

What Is Expense Ratio? Expense ratio is the annual maintenance charge levied by mutual funds to finance its expenses. It includes annual operating costs, including management fees, allocation charges, advertising costs, etc. of the fund. Value of an expense ratio depends upon the size of the mutual fund in question. A fund operating with a smaller […]

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Mutual fund

Fixed Income Securities

Meaning of Fixed Income Securities Fixed income securities yield guaranteed returns on investments. They act as a liability for the organisation launching them in the market. Returns on fixed-income investments are generated periodically, and the interest payable on these securities remain constant, irrespective of market fluctuations. The final value of the fixed income security at the […]

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