Mutual fund

Lump Sum

What is lump sum? The phrase ‘lump sum’ primarily means a large sum of money. In financial terms, in regards to the investment of a substantial sum of money at one go instead of breaking it down into multiple installments. What are lump sum investments and lump sum payments? Lump sum investment involves the investment […]

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Mutual fund

Systematic Withdrawal Plan

Every individual has different financial need. Hence, every investor has a unique investment plan. While some investors prefer investing in a lump sum, some others like to stagger their investments and use a systematic investment plan (SIP). While some investors seek capital growth, some others want regular income from their investments. There are many tools […]

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Mutual fund

SIP – Systematic Investment Plan

Systematic Investment Plan or SIP is a method of investing in mutual funds wherein an investor chooses a mutual fund scheme and invests the fixed amount of his choice at fixed intervals. SIP investment plan is about investing a small amount over time rather than investing one-time huge amount resulting in a higher return. How […]

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