Mutual fund

Index Funds

Diversification is a key element of a good investment portfolio. Investors try to spread their funds across various asset classes like equity, debt, real estate, gold, etc. Even within each asset class, they try to further diversify to minimize risks. In equity investing, a known method of reducing risks is diversifying your equity portfolio by […]

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Mutual fund

Open Ended Funds

Mutual Funds can be categorized based on their structure into three types: open-ended, closed-ended, and interval funds. Of these, open ended mutual funds are the most common and popular among investors. Here, we will explore Open Ended Mutual Funds and talk about the different types of open ended funds in India along with their benefits […]

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Mutual fund

Closed Ended Funds

Mutual Funds can be categorized based on their structure into three types open-ended, closed-ended, and interval funds. This categorization takes into consideration the frequency with which you can buy or sell units of the scheme. While open-ended funds are more common and popular among investors since they can be traded without restrictions, closed-ended funds are […]

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