So, you’re ready to learn how to make a narcissist miserable? Let’s be real – dealing with one can feel like you’re stuck in a never-ending soap opera, where they’re the star, and you’re the… well, supporting character.

But guess what? You don’t have to play along! Narcissists live off attention, praise, and control, so what if you start flipping the script?

The goal here isn’t revenge but taking back your power. Today we are going to talk about how to hurt a narcissist where it hurts, and what to say to a narcissist to make them feel bad.

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How To Make A Narcissist Miserable: 9 Best Tricks

1. Cut Off Their Supply of Attention

Narcissists crave attention like plants need sunlight. So, if you want to hit some of the major narcissist weak points, starve them of it, and watch them wither a bit.

Don’t give them the reactions they want – the compliments, the laughs, the “Oh, you’re amazing!” Just keep it cool. When they brag about their latest “achievement,” give a polite nod or a short “That’s nice.”

Trust me, nothing frustrates them more than a bored, unimpressed audience.

2. Set Solid Boundaries (And Stick to Them!)

How to make a narcissist miserable? If there’s one thing narcissists hate, it’s boundaries. They’re used to getting what they want, whenever they want it. So, by setting clear lines and sticking to them, you’re saying, “Sorry, not your puppet.”

Keep your boundaries non-negotiable: if they want to cross them, show them you’re serious. Say “no” firmly, and let that be the end of it. You’ll see them test the waters, but don’t budge – it’ll drive them nuts.

How to make a narcissist miserable

3. Be Unpredictable with Your Reactions

Narcissists thrive when they can predict you. They know exactly how to push your buttons, but here’s a fun twist: mix it up! They expect you to be upset? Stay calm. They expect you to be eager? Act nonchalant.

Being unpredictable throws them off their game, and they’ll be left trying to figure out your “new” patterns. Keep them guessing, and you’ll feel the power shift almost instantly.

4. Ignore Their Attempts to Control the Conversation

Ever notice how narcissists always try to control the topic? They love to steer everything back to themselves, their achievements, and their opinions. Here’s where you flip the script: start shifting the conversation to things that have nothing to do with them.

Better yet, talk about topics they know nothing about. Watch them try to bring it back around, and keep veering away. Ignoring a narcissist is one of the best ways to make them miserable. Nothing irks a narcissist like being sidelined from their favorite subject – themselves!

5. Don’t React to Their Emotional Manipulation

What to say to a narcissist to make them feel bad? Nothing! Narcissists love to make you feel guilty, inferior, or just plain wrong. They’re pros at twisting things to play the victim or make you doubt yourself.

But here’s the trick: don’t react. When they pull out the guilt trip or the blame game, keep calm, shrug it off, or even laugh it away. Your unbothered reaction steals the impact of their manipulation, leaving them wondering why their tricks aren’t working.

This is also one of the best things you can do if you are wondering how to hurt a narcissist.

Related: What Narcissists Can’t Stand: 11 Things That Make Them Miserable

6. Stay Centered and Don’t Engage in Drama

Narcissists thrive on drama – if they can stir the pot, they feel like they’ve won. So, how to make a narcissist miserable? Don’t give in to the temptation of going tit-for-tat.

When they try to rile you up, remind yourself that they’re just trying to get a reaction. Shrug off the urge to argue, keep it lighthearted, and stay centered.

They’ll hate that they can’t get a rise out of you, and you’ll feel a lot less stressed.

7. Subtly Outshine Them Without Direct Competition

Narcissists want to be the best at everything, so if you’re doing well, they’ll often try to knock you down. Flip the script by being your best self without ever directly competing with them.

Learn the art of ignoring a narcissist, show your strengths subtly and let your accomplishments speak for themselves.

When they realize you’re shining without even trying, it’ll drive them mad – especially since they’re working so hard to stay in the spotlight.

8. Celebrate Others Around Them (But Not Them)

How to make a narcissist miserable? This one is a surefire way to get under their skin. Narcissists expect to be the center of everyone’s admiration, so start celebrating people who deserve it – just not them.

Compliment a coworker on a job well done or praise a friend’s new achievement when the narcissist is around. When you show them they’re not the only one worthy of attention, they’ll feel unsettled. Plus, it feels great to genuinely appreciate others!

9. Live Your Best Life Without Worrying About Them

Last but not least, the best way to hit narcissist weak points? Show them you genuinely don’t need them. Narcissists feed off the idea that they’re essential to everyone’s lives.

So, invest in yourself, do things that bring you joy, and create a life that’s fulfilling – with or without them in it. When they see you’re happy and thriving without their influence, they’ll feel powerless, which is what they dread the most. That is how to hurt a narcissist.

When you know how to make a narcissist miserable, that doesn’t mean becoming someone you’re not. It’s all about creating healthy boundaries, being unpredictable in the best ways, and, most importantly, focusing on yourself.

Related: How To Outsmart A Narcissist In Any Conversation: 7 Tips

A narcissist will try every trick in the book to regain control, but by staying calm and centered, you take away the power they rely on; by ignoring them, you put them in their place.

Plus, there’s something satisfying about watching them squirm when they realize their usual tactics aren’t working.

So, now that you know what to say to a narcissist to make them feel bad and how to hurt a narcissist, stay strong, set your boundaries, and enjoy the peace that comes with being unbothered!

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