The Full moon or Hunter’s Moon returns this October 17, 2024. This full moon in Aries will bring forth a new beginning and prepare you for a new chapter of life. Let’s explore what it means for your zodiac sign!
This is a time of introspection, reaping the benefits of your efforts, and paying attention to how you feel emotionally. Full Moons bring certain truths to light and end matters as well, therefore it is an appropriate season to wind up recurrent processes and let go.
So, are you a selenophile or simply an admirer of the glowing full moon? Continue reading to find out what your sign will be in the course of the October Full Moon. Hunter Moon symbols
What is Hunter Moon?
It is the first Full Moon in October after the Harvest Moon also known as the Hunter Moon and is named after the time of the year when hunters would prepare by hunting and stockpiling for the winter.
This Moon is the third and the brightest one among the four supermoons. It symbolizes the spirit of energy, purpose, and resiliency in the core. Gathering your supplies for the winter months is in order.
It is a time to evaluate both your physical and emotional security and think about what, if anything, should be fed and what, of course, should be let go.
When and Where to Watch Hunter’s Moon?
Hunter’s Moon or October Full Moon will be visible from 16 October night to 17 October evening at 4:56 PM IST. As per NASA, the Supermoon will be best visible at 4:56 PM IST on 17th October and it will appear for 3 days consecutively, ending on 18th October.
Full Moon Horoscope for Each Zodiac Sign: 17 October 2024
1. Aries (March 21 – April 19)
The Full Moon this time is highlighting financial possibilities for you. You may come to self-discovery in regards to how they’ve been spending their resources or how they intend to spend it in the future (if at all).
Thanks to the Hunter Moon this is actually the best moment for you to take charge of your resources and implement some new financial strategies.
Full Moon Advice: Work towards practical aspects of financial advice and restrain expectations. Try to create a financial plan and stick to it.
What to Release: Impulsive spending habits
Focus for Growth: Financial stability and security
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2. Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
This Full Moon illuminates your sign, Taurus, and hence concerns self-improvement and self-appreciation to a greater extent. You voraciously want to travel and want to do many things.
The energy persuasion, however, of the Hunter Moon points toward spying and shedding off old worries that no longer reflect our new hopes and dreams.
Full Moon Advice: Seek solutions to the subject of transformations and development of oneself. Meet your needs more, and avoid pertinent issues.
What to Release: Negative self-perception
Focus for Growth: Self-assurance and self-worth
3. Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
Gemini, for you, this Full Moon focuses on the hidden parts of the mind. You can feel more intuitive and more self-observing of your feelings in this period. The energy of the Hunter’s Moon stimulates you to drop those old loathings.
Full Moon Advice: Take time for solitude and self-reflection. Journaling or meditation can help clear your mind.
What to Release: Repressed emotions and stress
Focus for Growth: Emotional stability and balance
4. Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
This Full Moon focuses on your social connections, Cancer. You may feel a greater urge to assess your relations and social circles. The energy of the Hunter Moon helps you to move on from unhealthy relationships as well as get a better career.
Full Moon Advice: Consider your area of friends and if possible, eliminate uninterested or redundant people from your life.
What to Release: Unhealthy relationships or companionship.
Focus for Growth: Creating authentic relations.
5. Leo (July 23 – August 22)
In this Full Moon period, Leo, you will likely notice growth in your career and professional ambitions. You may sense an urge to review your present profession as well as where it is leading you in the years to come.
The energy of the Hunter Moon helps you center on the most important and let go of any professional activities that do not nourish you anymore.
Full Moon Advice: Take a step back, review your objectives for your career, and revise them accordingly.
What to Release: Stagnant career ambitions
Focus for Growth: Growth and success in your careers
6. Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
The October Full Moon activates your sector of travel and higher learning, Virgo. This is a good period for those who look to get something new, be it education, a trip, or some sort of spiritual quest. Hunter Moon helps you let go of such fixed mindsets and attitudes as, for example, limitations.
Full Moon Advice: Do not be restrictive and let different kinds of learning and experiences come your way.
What to Release: Uncertainty about the future
Focus for Growth: Understanding and self-development.
Read More: Zodiac Signs As Students: What Classroom Personality Are You?
7. Libra (September 23 – October 22)
Libra, this Full Moon brings focus to your shared resources and deep emotional connections. The Hunter Moon energy calls for releasing financial entanglements or emotional baggage in relationships. It’s time to seek balance in your partnerships.
Full Moon Advice: Concentrate on settling issues with other people that are financial or emotional.
What to Release: Unhealthy financial or emotional ties
Focus for Growth: Emotional intimacy and equilibrium
8. Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
Scorpio, this Full Moon illuminates your partnership sector. You might want to review your most significant love life and job network. The Hunter Moon is here to work on better positioning yourself in relationships that are constructive rather than destructive
Full Moon Advice: Strive to work with and develop positive seamless interactions with other parties.
What to Release: Unbalanced or draining relationships
Focus for Growth: Mutual support in partnerships
9. Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
This Full Moon also brings energy to the natal planets ‘health’ and ‘hygiene’ as per Sagittarians. The Hunter Moon energy makes you identify what you can do to enhance your health and organize what you do daily. It is high time to get rid of bad hacks.
Full Moon Advice: Take charge of your health and create new, productive habits.
What to Release: Idle daily routines.
Focus for Growth: Health and individual productivity
10. Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
Capricorn, this Full Moon shines a light on your creative expression and personal joy. The Hunter Moon urges you to rediscover your interests, without the art censorship and bounds that you have placed upon yourself.
Full Moon Advice: Go wild with your imagination and do things that you love.
What to Release: Fear of expressing your creativity.
Focus for Growth: Self-actualization and artistry.
11. Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
This Full Moon draws attention to home and family aspects of your chart, Aquarius. You may wish to work through neglected conflicts from childhood or rethink where you live at the moment. The energy of the Hunter Moon inspires you to seek further safety and more stability.
Full Moon Advice: Active attention towards family and family growth
What to Release: Emotional baggage related to family.
Focus for Growth: Comfortable Home and Emotional Health.
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12. Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
Pisces, the Full Moon emphasizes communication and self-expression. The Hunter Moon implores that there is no way in these Civilized Days when anybody should be terrified of delivering their views.
Full Moon Advice: It is important to be confident in what you say and tell others exactly how you feel. Speak your mind.
What to Release: The reason for not telling the truth in the first place.
Focus for Growth: Self-expression and open interaction with others.
Enjoy the luminous full moon night by invoking your inner potential. Use these tips to harness the power of Hunter’s Moon in your life.